
Soefisme instituten

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The Golden Sufi Center

Omschrijving, gekopieerd van de website (vertaling zal volgen):
The Golden Sufi Center is the vehicle for the work of the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya Order of Sufism. The purpose of The Golden Sufi Center is to make available the teachings of this lineage of Sufism.

Naqshbandi Sufis (named after Bahâ ad-dîn Naqshband, d. 1389) are known as the “silent Sufis” because their practices are done in silence. They practice a silent dhikr and the silent meditation of the heart—God is the silent emptiness and is therefore most easily reached in silence. They also attach great importance to dreams, which they consider to be a form of guidance along the Path. The central focus of The Golden Sufi Center is the meditation groups. At meetings, silent meditation is followed by dreamwork.

Sufi dreamwork combines spiritual and psychological approaches, helping participants to realize the guidance that comes from within and to understand the inner processes of the path as they are imaged in dreams. Dreamwork is regarded as the modern equivalent to the ancient Sufi teaching stories. Participants are encouraged to share their own dreams, particularly those which have a spiritual dimension.

At present we have meditation groups in America in northern California, Los Angeles, Seattle, Boulder, Minnesota, Chicago, North Carolina, New York City, Boston, New Hampshire, and Vancouver, B.C. We also have meditation groups in a number of locations in Germany, Switzerland, England, The Netherlands, Spain, Argentina, South Africa, and Australia.

The Golden Sufi Center has published Daughter of Fire by Irina Tweedie and several books by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee including his most recent: Prayer of the Heart in Christian and Sufi Mysticism, Fragments of a Love Story: Reflections on the Life of a Mystic, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul, and Awakening the World: A Global Dimension to Spiritual Life. Other books, audio, and video publications by Irina Tweedie, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Sara Sviri, Peter Kingsley, and Hilary Hart are also available.