
Christendom internet

Op deze pagina worden internet bronnen vermeld die een Christelijke visie op dromen  weergeven.


Website http://www.explorefaith.org/dreams/interview.html: interview met Joyce Rockwood Hudson over de betekenis van dromen en ‘innerlijk werk’ voor spiritualiteit

Website CWGministries:  Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation.
The founders Mark and Patty Virkler are dedicated to revelation-based learning. 

Website Seedwork: A Ministry of Teaching and Evangelism.
What is Seedwork? The purpose of SeedWork is to give people practical tools for listening to God’s Wisdom in many forms, including dream work and deep prayer and meditation. Originally created under the auspices of the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas, SeedWork continues as part of the ministries of the Rev. Susan Sims Smith and Bishop Larry E. Maze. It is hoped that SeedWork will be a primary site for gaining information about the expanding field of inner journey. Here you will find articles, digital editions of The Rose, information about organizations engaged in dream work, free lecture downloads from The Haden Summer Dream Conference, and occasional event announcements.

Alle 78 audiotapes van voordrachten tijdens diverse Summer Conferences “Dreams as God’s Forgotten Language” van het Haden Institute

Video You Tube, John Paul Jackson part 1-9