
Boeddhisme internet

Op deze pagina worden internetbronnen vermeld die ingaan op boeddhisme en dromen.

Video Droomyoga (Bönn Boeddhisme)

Videodocumentaire (60 min.) “Mijn reïncarnatie – vader, zoon en lotsbestemming”
Recensie van documentaire Mijn Reïncarnatie, Droomjournaal 2011 nr. 3, door Barbara Roukema
Video documentary My Reincarnation
This video documentary shares about 20 years of the life of the Tibetan Dzogchen teacher Chögyam Nhamkai Norbu and his son. Lucid dreaming is an important part of the spiritual practice in their tradition. In the documentary relevant dreams of them both are being mentioned several times. Link to the trailer of My Reincarnation http://myreincarnationfilm.com/film/trailer/

short Video Interview with Chögyam Nhamkai Norbu ‘Dream is another art”